Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Neonatal Resuscitation Training

This week the Humanitarian Group (led by Ike and Gloria Ferguson) from the Church came to teach, train and certify midwives in Freetown ,and also in Bo, in the resuscitation of newborn babies. These women will actually train others. As they train others, the ability to save these little ones will increase and more midwives will know what to do and how to do it.  These good women, of all faiths, came from all over Sierra Leone for two days.   Each time the Humanitarian Group comes, the attendance for these classes grows. We also had the wheelchair group here to see how the wheelchairs distributed last year were being used in Freetown and in Bo.  Both are truly worthwhile efforts by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to help the people here in Sierra Leone.  They will now go to Liberia and do the same training there.

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