Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rain, Interviews and Boxes!

It has been pouring rain.  Elder Barth gave his umbrella to a little boy and was running to the mission office.  He was soaked clear through... (Had to go up to their apartment and put on dry clothes...)
Then following closely behind--- Elder Appleby... it was a fun moment...
Elder Edwards, Elder Mills and a baptismal candidate.  Elder Mills is wearing the rain boots that the mission provides.  Those who have been here a while know that a good pair of rubber boots are very necessary.  The rain is heavy!
Elder Purcell playing hymns for us.
President Roggia with Elder Essel during a zone meeting.
Freetown Zone
Freetown Zone coming into the Mission Office for interviews with President Roggia
Who's next?
We had a load of supplies come in...well, since we had all these wonderful elders... we made an assembly line to unload the truck!
What fun! The boxes were flying with great flourish and speed!
The Final Box and Elder Ngerem joyfully has it!

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