Thursday, December 23, 2010

Our Trip to Liberia for Christmas 2010

December 20th!  It was very hot and the wind was blowing our Christmas letters all over the place but we got the picture! We sisters cooked and cooked for the two days.  We had sandwiches catered for one of the lunches, made hamburgers and a pasta salad for the other lunch, chicken tettrazeni and Hawaiian haystacks for the two dinners and enjoyed some ice cream with the Senior Couples on the last evening there.  The elders did two service projects: cleaned at a school and sang Christmas Carols at a hospital.

The chief cooks...six hands are better than two!  We had lots of laughs while we were doing the preparations.  Lots of sweat rolled off our faces but some was tears from laughing so hard.  That was a delightful gift for all three of us!  We are all excited because we found a "real" ham in Liberia for our Christmas dinner and canned yams!
Yeow!! Ant bites! Right on my toe next to the big toe! Of course, in the middle of picture taking! I think President is in more pain than me---I'm gripping his knee.!  Elder Hickey and Elder Grabau are full of smiles.  Those little ants really bite hard!  I put some of our son-in-law's "kill all" bacteria sanitizer on stopped swelling and went back to normal.
President during the Christmas skits.  That's Elder Massey and Elder Instiful, the Monrovia Zone Leaders, enjoying the impromptu performance. The first day the elders did the Christmas Singing at the hospital, came back for lunch, skits and gift giving. 

The elders are enjoying lunch after spending the morning cleaning a school with buckets, mops, brushes and lots of soap.  They came back to the Paynesville Chapel to play some soccer and volleyball.  We then showed some movies.

Some of the elders playing volleyball.

And some playing soccer
Elder and Sister Patterson's Stake Young Women sent ties for all the missionaries in the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission.  The Monrovia Zone wanted to show them off!  Thank you Young Women!

December 22nd.  We made some breakfast burritos and grape juice for the road trip back to Bo.  It was preparation day for the Kimballs since we filled Monday with Christmas festivities.  We got on the road about 8:30 a.m.

How many men does it take to tie down the "burrito" on the top of the car?  It was tied down perfectly.  It hardly budged an inch down the bumpity bump road back to Bo.   More pictures to come....

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